Welcome to the Real Estate Development Manager Knowledge website. This is an information and knowledge resource to help development managers effectively manage their real estate development projects.
Jump right into the table of contents to see what topics are covered and what management tools are shared.
About This Website
The technical and tactical know-how needed to successfully manage and execute a development project is difficult to acquire. You gain it through years of real world experience and on the job training. As a development manager, having a mentor, a boss, or peers who can offer guidance and advise on project questions or the challenges you will inevitably face, can be invaluable. But if your learning and collaboration resources are limited, this website is designed to help. The purpose of this site is to give development managers some of the knowledge and tools to successfully manage a project. It's part playbook, and part tips, tricks, tools and techniques.
Real estate developments are expensive. Even small projects can cost millions of dollars, and large ones can be in excess of $100 million dollars. The actions you take, or fail to take, as a development manager can easily benefit or cost a project hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Hopefully this website will give you some information and tools to add the greatest value to your development project, which in turn adds value to your employer and/or investors.
Your Feedback
I would love to get your feedback on how I can improve this site. It's a living website that will change, update and grow to be a better tool and knowledge resource for development managers. If you have a constructive comment to help me make this website better, shoot me an email at chad.suitonu@gmail.com.